Tadabbur Magazine

Selling and marketing the journal

Selling and marketing the magazine

 :The First Issue

 400pages , 4 Inner Colors/ /Premium 

 Hardcover Print

Issue Date: october 2016/ muharram 1438 ah 

Selling Price: 20 SAR or Equivalent

The First Issue  download   


 :The second Issue

320Pages, 4 Inner Colors/ /Premium 

 Hardcover Print

Issue Date: april 2017/ ragab1438 ah 

Selling Price: 20 SAR or Equivalent

The Second Issue download   



 :The third Issue

 452pages , 4 Inner Colors/ /Premium 

 cartoon Print

Issue Date: october 2017/ muharram 1439 ah 

Selling Price: 25SAR or Equivalent

The Third Issue download 



 :The fourth Issue

365Pages, 4 Inner Colors/ /Premium 

 cartoon Print

Issue Date: april 2018/ ragab1439 ah 

Selling Price: 25 SAR or Equivalent

The Fourth Issue    download


 :The fifth Issue

 352pages , 4 Inner Colors/ /Premium 

 cartoon Print

Issue Date: october 2018/ muharram 1440 ah 

Selling Price: 25 SAR or Equivalent

The Fifth Issue   download 


 :The sixth Issue

416Pages, 4 Inner Colors/ /Premium 

 cartoon Print

Issue Date: april 2019/ ragab1440 ah 

Selling Price: 25 SAR or Equivalent

The Sixth Issue   download




 :The sevnth Issue

 320pages , 4 Inner Colors/ /Premium 

 cartoon Print

Issue Date: septmber 2019/ muharram 1441 ah 

Selling Price: 25 SAR or Equivalent

The Seventh Issue   download   



 :The eighth Issue

384Pages, 4 Inner Colors/ /Premium 

 cartoon Print

Issue Date: march 2020 / ragab1441 ah 

Selling Price: 25 SAR or Equivalent

The Eighth Issue.  download        



 :The ninth Issue

 416pages , 4 Inner Colors/ /Premium 

 cartoon Print

Issue Date: august 2020 / muharram 1442 ah 

Selling Price: 25 SAR or Equivalent

 The Ninth Issue    download    



 :The tenth Issue

401Pages, 2 Inner Colors/ /Premium 

 cartoon Print

Issue Date: February2021 / ragab1442 ah 


Selling Price: 25 SAR or Equivalent

The tenth Issue.  download   


:The eleventh Issue

  432Pages, 2 Inner Colors/ /Premium 

 cartoon Print

Issue Date: august 2021 / muharram 1443  ah 

Selling Price: 25 SAR or Equivalent

         The eleventh Issue  download     


:The twelveth Issue

  (Part 1)   480 Pages, 2 Inner Colors/ /Premium

 cartoon Print

  (Part2)   432 Pages, 2 Inner Colors/ /Premium

 cartoon Print

Issue Date: February2022 / ragab1443 ah 

Selling Price: 50 SAR or Equivalent

  The twelveth Issue. download part1

  The twelveth Issue. download part2   


:The Thirteenth Issue

 464Pages, 2 Inner Colors/ /Premium 

 cartoon Print

Issue Date: august 2022 muharram 1444 ah 

Selling Price: 25 SAR or Equivalent

      The Thirteenth Issue.   download 


:The fourteenth Issue

432Pages, 2 Inner Colors/ /Premium 

 cartoon Print

Issue Date:  January 2023 / ragab1444 ah

Selling Price: 25 SAR or Equivalent

The fourteenth Issue.  download 


:The Fifteenth Issue

400Pages, 2 Inner Colors/ /Premium 

 cartoon Print

Issue Date:   july 2023/ muharram 1445 ah

Selling Price: 25 SAR or Equivalent

   The Fifteenth Issue.  download 


:The sixteen Issue

532Pages, 2 Inner Colors/ /Premium 

 cartoon Print

Issue Date:  January 2024 / ragab1445 ah 

   The sixteen  Issue.  download 



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