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Rules and Conditions for Publication
in the Tadabbur Magazine
Instructions for Researchers
First: Nature of the Material published
The journal aims to provide researchers in all countries worldwide with the opportunity to publish their academic work in the fields related to contemplating the Holy Qur’an, on condition that these are based on originality, novelty, the ethics of academic research, and academic methodology.
The journal publishes materials that have not been published in the Arabic language before and accepts the articles under any of the following categories:
Authentic papers.
Abstracts of projects and distinct academic theses.
Reports on academic forums and conferences
Second: Academic Procedures for Submitting Researches
The article is to be in the fields of the journal.
writing an introduction containing: (the research subject, limitations, objectives, methodology, procedures, and plan)
Stating the previous literature, if any, and the researcher’s academic addition to it.
The research is to be divided into sections (chapters) according to the research plan, so that they seem to be coherent.
The paper is to be written and formulated in an elaborate academic manner, free from any linguistic and grammatical errors, with special emphasis on academic honesty and accuracy in citation.
A conclusion shall be written to contain a comprehensive summary of the research as well as the main findings and recommendations thereof.
Arabic language is the main language for publishing in the journal. In addition, it is possible to publish papers with common languages.
Third: Technical Procedures for Submitting Researches
The number of the paper pages mustn’t be more than 50 pages, in A4 format, including both the Arabic and English abstracts, and the references, and not be less than 25 pages.
The Page margins: 2 cm from the top, bottom, right, and left, and single line spacing.
The font for Arabic language is to be traditional Arabic, size: 16. The font size of the footnotes and the abstract is to be 12, and 11 for tables and figures.
The font for English language is to be Times New Roman , size: 12. The font size of the footnotes the abstract, tables, and figures is to be 10.
The Quranic verses shall be written according to the Electronic Muṣḥaf of King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy Qur’an, with a font size of 14, in plain color (non-bolded).
The footnotes of each page shall be placed separately. Numbering the footnote restarts each page and is to be continuous over the paper pages. Footnotes are to be numbered automatically, not manually.
The Research data shall be written in both Arabic and English languages and contain the name of the university or institution and the department where the researcher works, the author's academic rank, mobile number, e-mail, country, the titles of master's thesis and doctoral dissertation, and the most famous previous academic works.
The number of the abstract words is not to exceed 250 words. The abstract shall include the following elements: the research subject, objectives, and methodology, with careful attention to editing.
The abstract (both the Arabic and English ones) shall be followed by the keywords expressing accurately the subject of the research, and the primary issues addressed, with a number no more than 6 words.
Submitting a form or page stating the paper's relation to the fields of the journal.
The research must be free from any linguistic, grammatical, and spelling errors.
Quranic verses in the paper body are cited though mentioning the sura name and verse number in brackets; (Surat Al-Nesaa: 5)
Prophetic hadiths are cited in the footnote though mentioning the Chapter and Book names and hadith number – when possible.
References Citation in the Footnote:
Citing the references and sources in the footnotes according to the following:
It is better to use specialized software to facilitate citation such as endnote, Mendeley, and Zotero. The approved citation system in the journal is the Chicago Style, Issue (17), 2017 according to the following details:
The Journal chose Chicago Style for citation due to its easiness, flexibility, and suitability to citating religious studies. the footnotes shall be as follows: indent, beginning of footnote, single space, one line space between paragraphs.
Quotations from books and other sources of information are citated in the footnote as follows
The author name followed by a comma (,), the book title between quotation marks (""), edition number followed by a period (.), pace of publication followed by a colon (:), publisher followed by a comma (,), year of publication followed by a comma (,) putting the publication information between two brackets, and the number of volume and page are separated by a colon (:).
Muḥammad ibn Jarīr Al-Ṭabarī, "Tafsīr Alṭbry-Jāmiʻ Al-Bayān ʻan Taʼwīl Āy Al-Qurʼān". Investigated by ʻAbd Allāh al-Turkī, (1st Edition, Saudi Arabia: Dār Hajar or Distribution, Publishing and Advertising, 2001 AD), 8: 50.
The author name followed by a comma, research title in italics and underlined followed by a comma, writing "Vol." indicating the Volume followed by a period, the volume number followed by a comma, (Issue) number followed by a comma, publication date in brackets followed by a colon (:),page number followed by a period, a direct URL to download the research followed by a period. The URL may be included in the list of sources and references.
Each of the previous volumes must be separated by a comma (,)
Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz ibn ʻUmar Naṣīf, "Circumstances of the Revelation and its Impact on the Rhetorical Guidance of the Verses of the Qur’an, Surat Al-Jumu’ah as a Model". "Tadabbur Journal, Vol. 6, Issue. 11, (August 2021 AD): 215.
C)When the Reference is Repeated more than Once in the Article
It is enough for citation to mention the author's title followed by a comma, name of the books followed by a comma, and the page number.
Example: Al-Ṭabarī, "Jāmiʻ al-Bayān", 8 : 50
D)Citation from more than a reference by two different authors.
The two references are separated by a semicolon.
Example: Al-Nawawī, "Al-Minhāj", 311 ; Almrdāwy, "aAl-Inṣāf", 7 : 234.
E)If the Source is Viewed Online
Citation is made from the source as usual and followed by the phrase "retrieved on / / , and the URL.
Example: ʻAlī ibn ʻAbd Allāh al-Sakākir, "Al-Jazāʼ Min Jins Al-ʻamal Min Khilāl Sūrat Almsd". Tadabbur Journal 5, (2018 AD) 145. "retrieved on 07/05/2022" on Tadabbur Website:
F)Theses and Dissertations Citation
When the researcher quotes a text from a thesis or dissertation, citation shall be as follows
Name of the author, "title of the thesis", (the academic degree for which the thesis was submitted, published or not followed, the university granting the academic degree, (2016), page number.
Abdullah bin Omar Al-Omar, “Riyadh - Meditation on the Noble Qur’an in Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah” (Master's thesis, unpublished, Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University), (2016), p. 20.
Fourth: Citation in the References Index
A list of Arabic sources and references is attached to the article. The are arranged according to the author's title, taking into account that the first line of the reference protrudes by a space as five characters, the so-called hanging indentation. Each part is separated by a period, not a comma, as follows:
A) Books
Author's title, first name, second name. "Title of the Book". The translator / investigator. Publisher details: (edition, place of publication: publisher, year of publication).
Ibn Kathīr, Abū al-Fidāʼ, Ismāʻīl ibn ʻUmar. "tafsīr al-Qurʼān al-ʻAẓīm". taḥqīq Sāmī ibn Muḥammad al-Salāmah. (2nd Edition, Makkah: Dār Ṭaybah Publishing and Distribution, 1999 AD).
Author's title, first name, second name. "Title of the Article". The Journal name, Vol. (Volume Number), Issue (Issue Number), (Date of Publishing): the article's full number of pages as in the journal. A direct URL of the article – if any.
al-Thanayyān, Ṣāliḥ ibn Thanyān. " Allah's Unchanged Laws "Sonan" in the Story of Moses and the Israel's People in the Holy Quran". Tadabbur Journal Vol. 6, Issue. 11, (2002 AD): 17-109.
C)Theses and Dissertations Citation
Author's title, first and second name. "Title of the thesis between quotation marks", the academic degree. published or not. the year in brackets (2016), and the page number.
The list of Arabic sources and references is followed by a list of sources in English arranged alphabetically according to the title of the author. This list shall include the English original sources and references written in capital letters except for prepositions, definite and indefinite articles, unless they are at the beginning of the main or subtitle along with the sources translated from Arabic according to the next paragraph
The researcher shall Romanize the Arabic sources into Latin letters, and include them in the list of English sources (while keeping them in Arabic in the list of Arabic sources), according to the following example
Ibn Kathīr, Abū al-Fidāʼ Ismāʻīl ibn ʻUmar. "tafsīr al-Qurʼān al-ʻAẓīm". Investigated by Sāmī ibn Muḥammad al-Salāmah. (2nd edition, Makkah al-
Naṣīf, Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd-al-ʻAzīz ibn ʻUmar. "mlābsāt Al-Nuzūl Wa-Atharuhā Fī Al-Tawjīh Al-Balāghī Li-Āyāt Al-Qurʼān Sūrat Al-Jumʻah as a Model". Tadabbur 11, (2021 AD) : 196-266.
Excluded from this the articles published with an English title in their the source, as in the following example:
Example form in the list of Arabic sources
العامر، زياد بن حمد. "الأثر العقدي للقراءات القرآنية". مجلة الدراسات الإسلامية 27 (1)، 2015م: 109-137.
The example in the list of English sources translated into it as stated in the journal in which it was published:
Al-Amir, Ziyaad Hamad.. "Impact of Qur'anic Readings on Faith". Journal Of Islamic Studies 27 (1) (2015): 109-137.
In addition, stating some abbreviations if there is no statement for them in the reference data, as follows:
No editor = [N.edt]: No edition = [N.edt]- No date = [N.d]
Sorting the references alphabetically.
The list of references and sources shall include only what is referred cited the footnotes.
Citation: The journal adopts the University of Chicago Publishing and Citation Manual, the 17th edition, for English references and sources in particular, and the equivalent for Arabic references and sources. The researcher shall follow he academic method used in writing references, the names of researchers, citation and reference to primary sources, the ethics of academic publishing, and the guidelines and foundations included in the manual related to the elements of the research article (Available on the journal’s website within the researchers’ guidelines).
Romanization of sources and references shall be at the end of the research in Latin letters for Arabic references only.
The opinions expressed in the articles reflect the researchers' viewpoints only, and do not reflect the journal's policy.
Fifth: the Research Track in the Journal
Sending the paper to the journal website or e-mail is a confirmation from the researcher that the paper has not been published before, is not or will not be submitted to any entity for publication until the journal has completed its review procedures.
The average period for reviewing the paper varies from one to two months (30-60 days) and the period for publishing papers in the journal issues starts from six months to one year.
The Editorial Board of the Journal has the right to the preliminary examine of the research and to determine whether it is eligible for review or reject it.
Informing the researcher of the summary of the reviewers' reports, in order to modify the research accordingly or demonstrate his view regarding their opinions that the researcher does not accept, and the Board shall settle the disagreement between them.
In case that the research is approved for publication, a message shall be sent to the researcher telling him so. In case the research is not accepted for publication, an apology message shall be sent to the researcher for the inconvenience.
The researcher- after publishing his work in the journal - may publish it again six months after its publication.
In case the researcher sends his / her article via the website or e-mail of the Journal, this shall mean that he accepts the conditions for publication, and the Editorial Board is entitled to prioritize the researches to be published.
The opinions expressed in the researches published shall point to the viewpoints of the researchers only and shall not necessarily indicate the perspectives of the Journal.
The researcher gets five offprints of his / her research and two copies of the full issue. If the offprints are not available, the researcher gets five copies of the issue.
To download the Journal Workflow Procedures File, click here.
Thanks to Allah and His guidance, Tadabbour Journal got the First Rank on the Arab level for (2021) in the Arab Citation & Impact Factor (ARCIF) among (79) journals in the domain of Islamic studies. In addition, the Journal got the (62 Repeated) rank among (877) journals in ARCIF |
The Journal March from 1438 to 1444 AH (2016-2022 AD)
Fourteen issues of the journal have been issued since Moharram 1438 AH to Rajab 1444 AH- 2016 TO 2023..
The issues included (68) academic reviewed papers, abstracts translated into English, and (41) reports about academic theses and dissertations tackling the contemplation of the Holy Quran, and reports about international conferences and forums in the Quranic Studies.
The papers varied around the Journal eight fields.
Issuing the Journal General Index of all issues, papers, articles, and reports of the Journal.
Total papers published by the Journal (250) from (15) countries. Total reviewers of the Journal (200) of (15) countries.
The journal presented as gifts (4000) copies of its issues to universities, specialized academic centers, and libraries.
International & Local Accreditations
The Journal has been accredited by local and international universities.
The Journal has the ISSN: 1658-7642 and ISBN: 1438/5883.
The Journal has the Arab Impact Factor Criteria from 2017:2022.
The Journal has the Arab Citation & Impact Factor (ARCIF) from 2020:23022.
The journal geld two workshops for academic and administration development attended by an elite of professionals in the Quranic studies.
Publishing (120) quotations selected from the Journal's papers and articles.
Thanks to Allah, the Journal has achieved a vast spread on social media as the Journal's followers on platforms as follows:
Twitter: 10.000 followers
Facebook: 6.000 followers
Telegram: 700 followers
Instagram: 1200 followers
Views number of the journal posts exceeded 4 million.
450.000visitors of the journal website.
In compliance with international accreditation requirements, the Journal included:
Diverse editorial board.
Local and international consultation board
Regularly issued issues.
Technical requirements of the journal in its issues.
Diverse reviewers nationally and internationally.
The journal comply to publish all issues on its website.
The journal has its code of Conduct and Ethics of Publishing papers.
Gladly, we are happy to receive your papers related to understanding and contemplating the Quran for review and publishing in the Journal over the year through the journal website: [email protected]
You can read the Journal issues freely on our website:
You can contact us via our accounts on social media: tadabburmag@
Or call via the following number:
Tadabbur Journal
Together to review and publish academic studies related to understanding the Holy Quran.
With your research and participation, the science of understanding the Holy Quran shall spread.
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