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ملخص بحث: ظاهرة التمرد في القرآن الكريم باللغة الإنجليزية

The phenomenon of rebellion and its treatment in the Holy Quran.

Prepared by:

Dr.. Mohamed Mo'men Mohamed Bamo'men.

Head of Tafseer Department at the Higher College of the Holy Quran - University of the Holy Quran and Islamic Sciences - Hadramout Valley Branch – Yemen




One of the most prominent characteristics of the Holy Quran is its comprehensiveness to all fields of life, and its validity for every time and place, and this property made it a unique approach that humanity lacks to organize their lives and solve their problems no matter how time goes on. One of the most important issues that the Quran has warned of, and put the effective treatment for is (the phenomenon of rebellion), that nations suffered from - in old times and recently – and it had a bad impact on individuals and societies.

There is no doubt that taking on how Quran deals with it, contributes directly to the treatment and elimination of it , especially in our time, and in here lies the importance of the subject.

Research Methodology:

  This research came to highlight the attention of the Quran to this phenomenon, through an introduction, three chapters, and a conclusion, in which the research dealt with the definition of rebellion, its types, the most important reasons, and how to treat it.


The research reviews the most important results, including:

  1. The Quran has been interested in this phenomenon a lot and put the beneficial treatment.
  2. The phenomenon of rebellion is not a phenomenon born today, but it is as old as the creation.
  3. Many educators fall into educational errors to treat this phenomenon, because they do not follow the Quran approach in dealing with it

4. One of the causes of the spread of the phenomenon of rebellion in this time, is being away from the Quran and the lack of contemplation, because if the Quran has been recited, lessons would have been taken from it, which means being away from this phenomenon.

5. The danger of this phenomenon is not limited to the rebels, but the entire communities and groups, and this calls for the unity of all to fight this phenomenon.

Recommendation: I recommend researchers and students to study this subject in a scientific research, and give it more rooting and editing to disseminate benefit.

key words:

Rebellion, meaning, reasons, types, treatment - the Quran...


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