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ملخص بحث: دلالات و مقاصد مصطلح الفرح في القرآن الكريم باللغة الإنجليزية


The implications and purposes of the term (Gladness) in the Holy Quran.

(Applied models)

Mrs. Basma A. Matran



Gladness is considered as one of the human emotions the Holy Quran has discussed, and it is mentioned in 22 positions in Quran, and the diversity of its contexts and significances, to achieve the purposes and aims of the Holy Quran which builds the Muslim individuals, and regulates his emotions, and guides him to the destination that God Almighty chose for them.

This study has embarked upon the meanings and purposes of the term gladness in the Holy Quran through applied models, so it came in three aspects as follows: The first topic dealt with the linguistic definition of the term gladness. The second topic dealt with the word gladness in the Holy Quran in terms of form and number of times it is mentioned, with the use of statistics, clarifying the data in tables and then analyzing them.

Examples of Quranic verses were chosen: (Verses: 120 of Ali’ Imran, 50 and 81 of Surah Al-Tawba, and 4 of Al- Rome), the term gladness was mentioned in it with its significances, and the topic three was for studying its meanings and to identifying its purposes, with taking in consideration different time and context of receipt, and the adoption of the analytical method and the use of illustrative indicators.

The study came up with some results and conclusions that were presented in the conclusion, the most important of which are:

The term gladness has an educational constructional function, which establishes for disciplined feelings and emotions, which does not conflict with belief and behavior.

The gladness which required by doctrine is the matronly happiness that realizing the meaning of slavery to God Almighty, the believer is the slave of God, and his feelings should just interact with this principle, not to be enslaved.

The importance of contemplating the meanings of the Holy Quran, and following their regulations and its interdependence in construction as a whole, because it contains the vision that builds belief and emotion, and rational behavior.

Keywords: Gladness - Significance- Purpose - Meccan - Medina - Function - Haughtiness - Disease - Disrepute - Hypocrites - Enslavement - Mahmoud - Believers - Victory - Values - The Warning - Belief - Behavior - Education - Immunity - Slavery - Meditate.  - God’s guidance.




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